Professional Development:Conferences/workshops attended

2005:      “POGIL (process oriented guided inquiry learning): Engaging students” by David Hanson, a NSF sponsored three-day workshop held in Texas Wesleyan University, Fort-Worth  TX.  

2004:      “Multi-initiative dissemination (MID) of general chemistry,” NSF sponsored workshop held at Louisiana State University-BR.

2003:      “Using Blackboard 5.  Advanced training,” a  Louisiana Tech Center for Instructional Technology and Distance Learning -CITDL sponsored workshop.

2003:     “Assessment in teaching integrated science curriculum,” a series of  NSF sponsored CoE&S workshops held at Louisiana Tech.

2002:      “Digital image creation/application,” Louisiana Tech Center for Instructional Technology and Distance Learning -CITDL sponsored workshop.

2001:      “Retaining online students,” Teleconference participating from Louisiana Tech.

2000:      “Multimedia in classroom for interactive learning,” a NSF workshop Georgia State University. 

2002-99: “Teaching in the integrated engineering curriculum,” a series of NSF sponsored CoE&S workshops held at Louisiana Tech.

1998:      “Teaching at a distance,” by Tom Cyrs, a Louisiana Tech workshop.

1998:      “Mentoring for the 21st Century,” Louisiana State University sponsored workshop.

1999:      “Effective college teaching,” by Richard M. Felder, Louisiana Tech, College of Eng &. Sci., Innovation and Development in Engineering & Science-IDEAS sponsored workshop.

 1999:    “Innovation in large lectures-teaching for active learning,” by Diane Ebert-May, Louisiana Collaborative for Excellence in the Preparation of Teachers-LaCEPT sponsored workshop.

1997:      “Shaping the future of undergraduate math, science, engineering and technology education,” 4th LACEPT statewide conference.  

1997:      “Incorporating multimedia in classroom,” Syllabus Workshop at Southern Methodist University.

1997:      “Multimedia technique in classroom,” NSF workshop Georgia State University.

1996:      “Advanced materials science,” NSF workshop at Georgia Tech.

1996:      “Fostering critical thinking in math, science and Engineering,” by Dr. Craig E. Nelson, Workshop sponsored by LaCEPT.

1996:      “Teaching math and science at undergraduate level,” 3rd Annual LaCEPT statewide conference.

1993:      “Inorganic chemistry laboratory development,” NSF workshop at Auburn University.